Vaikka kyllä se arkinen perjantaikin osasi aina yllättää. Niin nopeasti saapui, ainakin toisinaan.
Voin kertoa hymyni olleen korvissa, sillä pääsin kotiin jo kolmelta, auringon vielä paahtaessa parhaimmillaan ja tietoisena mukavista hetkistä mualiman navassa.
// Titi
Well, I am sure you know the fridaymood. The freedom is almost there (so called weekend.) and you are ready to head home. Today was my "friday". I enjoyed my afternoon coffee at the balcony, it´s been way too long since last time. This friday has been kinda weird one, usually I take a train or buss to get out of the city. This time I am getting a friend to come over, so it´s my time to stay. Feels weird and good. So good to be the one to open the door. Looking forward to my "saturday" ! How about you, how is your week going?
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